
The board of the WCRC is composed of a group of volunteers who are committed to growing the game of tennis in the city of Walnut Creek. If you are interested in volunteering for the Walnut Creek Racquet Club please contact any board member.


Garvin Tom
4 Hours Monthly

Position Responsibilities:

  • Write monthly president’s report
  • Write monthly agenda
  • Coordinate and run monthly meeting
  • Set up location and food assignment for monthly meeting
  • Send out monthly email reminder to board members for meeting head count
  • Resolve any membership disputes
  • Work with all other board members with any issues or questions
  • USTA Rep with NorCal

Tools Required:

  • Internet Access
  • Good communication, patience and leadership

Vice President

Tammie Snyder
6 Hours Monthly


Deanna Fong
2 Hours Monthly

Position Responsibilities:

  • Record meeting minutes at Board Meetings and provide other administrative duties
  • Type and distribute meeting minutes to board members


Cara Mia Barnacascel
5-10 Hours Monthly

Position Responsibilities:

  • Prepare deposits and write checks for Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable for the WCRC
  • Post all activities on Quick Books
  • Prepare monthly Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statements for the Board Members and the Newsletter utilizing Quick Book
  • Reconcile bank statements (Microsoft Excel helpful) - track financial activities via on-line banking
  • Coordinate preparation of tax returns and file with the State and IRS
  • File registration forms with State and other associated organizations as required
  • Make financial recommendations and faciliate acquisition decisions from time to time

Tools Required:

  • Basic understanding of bookeeping /accounting principals
  • Knowledge of Quick Books and Microsoft Excel
  • Internet Access


Tammie Snyder
2 Hours Monthly

Position Responsibilities:

  • Gather all articles and photos for monthly newsletter
  • Write articles and photo captions
  • Check status of all WCRC USTA teams and leagues standings
  • Coordinate with USTA team captains for articles and photos
  • Layout and design newsletter with monthly features and articles
  • Keep WCRC & USTA calendar updated
  • Coordinate with board members for Treasurer’s Report, Membership Report and President’s Report
  • Electronically submit low res pdf to Website board member for membership distrubtion
  • Electronically submit high resolution pdf to printer for newsletter production

Tools Required:

  • Internet Access
  • Graphic Design programs ie: InDesign and Photoshop
  • Photo scanner


Lynne Weinshelbaum
15 hours monthly distributed fairly evenly throughout the year

Position Responsibilities:

  • Internet strategy and web application development
  • Administer website support & new functionality releases
  • Answer General Information questions from website visitors
  • Support ongoing league and content updates

Tools Required:

  • Datacenter services
  • Web application delivery infrastructure
  • Web application development

Newsletter Reporter

Ian McLaughlin
4 hours per newsletter

Position Responsibilities:

  • Perform interviews and write Member Spotlight articles for the newsletter


Bob Satcher

Position Reponsibilities:

  • Photograph tournaments and events


Sally Krapf
5-10 during the months of events & tournaments

Position Responsibilities:

  • Coordinating Food & Drinks
  • Help in events/tournaments where needed
  • Answering General Knowledge League questions
  • Mediating any complaints or issues

Tournament Help:

  • Additional tournament help from Rebecca Kay and Kayla Hornbrook

Tools Required:

  • Costco Card

Membership Compliance

Kayla Baier

Monitor and report on WCRC membership requirements with rostered USTA players.

Membership Compliance

Rebecca Kay

Monitor and report on WCRC membership requirements with rostered USTA players.

WING (Winter Spring) Singles Coordinator

Cameron Coltharp
2 hours a month - most heavy between November and May and weighted in May during the end of season no host tournament

Position Responsibilities:

  • Administer Wing Singles League - Processing League Entries, Running League Scheduling
  • Answering General Knowledge League questions
  • Mediating any complaints or issues
  • Running End of Season Tournament which includes creating and publishing Draws, collecting results, and pusblishing outcomes. 

Summer Singles League

Steve Lehmer
30 - most heavy during season and tournament

Position Responsibilities:

  • Administer League - Process League Entries, Run League Scheduling
  • Answer General Knowledge League questions
  • Mediate any complaints or issues
  • Run End of Season Tournament which includes: Ordering League Gifts; Ordering Tournament Prizes; Creating and Publishing Draws; Running or coordinating tournament desk; Coordinating Food & Drinks; Coordinating Off-Site Play; Coordinating Photography During Event

Doubles League

Garvin Tom
30 - most heavy between January to May and weighted in May during the end of season tournament

Position Responsibilities:

  • Administer Winter Doubles League - Processing League Entries, Running League Scheduling
  • Answering General Knowledge League questions
  • Mediating any complaints or issues
  • Running End of Season Tournament which includes: Ordering League Gifts; Ordering Tournament Prizes; Creating and Publishing Draws; Running or coordinating tournament desk; Coordinating Food & Drinks; Coordinating Off-Site Play; Coordinating Photography During Event

Tools Required:

  • Internet Access

Mixed Doubles League

Lynne Weinshelbaum
30 - most heavy between September and January and weighted in January during the end of season tournament

Position Responsibilities:

  • Administer Winter Doubles League - Processing League Entries, Running League Scheduling
  • Answering General Knowledge League questions
  • Mediating any complaints or issues
  • Running End of Season Tournament which includes: Ordering League Gifts; Ordering Tournament Prizes; Creating and Publishing Draws; Running or coordinating tournament desk; Coordinating Food & Drinks; Coordinating Off-Site Play; Coordinating Photography During Event

Tools Required:

  • Internet Access


Pam Maloney
4-6 hours per month

Position Responsibilities:

  • Pick up membership renewal and new membership checks at post office box
  • Process checks into membership data base system
  • Prepare and mail monthly courtesy renewal member notices
  • Deliver processed checks and bills to Treasurer

Tools Required:

  • Internet Access

USTA Leagues

Tammie Snyder

Daytime Leagues

David Resnick-Dunn
Varies but no more than 4 in any given month & some months 0

Position Responsibilities:

  • Coordinating use of Heather courts for Contra Costa Fall and Spring Leagues, plus BALL (Bay Area Ladies Leagues) and Senior Ball
  • May involve going to League meetings 2 times a year at most; meeting only lasts about an hour
  • Communicate with team captains to ascertain what dates they need courts
  • Develop calendar and provide copy to all captains Heather for posting on their schedule
  • Manage calendar as matches have to be rescheduled, due to rain, etc.

Tools Required:

  • Internet Access
  • Calendar

WCRC Leagues Gift Coordinator

Sally Krapf

City of Walnut Creek Liaison

Glenn McBee
Varies widely; it's more a function of what if anything is going on and then it's a personal choice on how much time you have. Also, many Board members are willing to step in when help is needed.

Position Responsibilities:

  • Keep the City informed of WCRC's needs and desires
  • Work with the City to execute on things that improve the overall tennis experience in WC. For example, getting a picnic bench at Rugear, having signs made to post the "rules" for using public courts and how USTA Leagues reserve courts, etc.
  • Coordinate with the City when projects come up and they want input from WCRC
  • Communicate with the Board about City issues, priorities and goals for tennis

Tools Required:

  • Internet Access
  • Patience, a sense of humor and the ability to push without being pushy

Social Media Coordinator

Garvin Tom