Do you offer lessons?
The WCRC does not offer lessons. Lessons are offered by the Heather Farms tennis center. You can call 925-945-0105 or Click Here for more information about the Heather Farms tennis center.
How can I join the WCRC?
Joining is easy. You can either Join On-Line or mail in a registration form. For both options click the Join Now link above and select either On-Line or Download Form.
How can I find a USTA team to play on?
Please contact our New Member Chairperson about finding a USTA team to join.
How can I find other WCRC members to play at my level?
Please contact our New Member Chairperson about finding other players to play with.
When are the WCRC Tournaments scheduled for?
Please check our Event Calendar to view dates for WCRC events.
My login does not work and why do I have 2 logins?
The WCRC hosts 2 separate on-line systems. These systems have very different functionalities.
Our membership system allows members of the WCRC to register for events on-line, view other member's information and manage their membership accounts.
Our leagues system allows league players to post league results, view other league player's information and view league schedules.
These systems are built on separate technology infrastructure and therefore have separate logins. Please make sure that you are using the correct login for the correct system. You can synchronize your league and membership password to be the same.
Why do I have to join the WCRC to play on a USTA team?
The WCRC requires all players who play on USTA teams out of the Walnut Creek Tennis Center to be current WCRC members. A percentage of all membership dues goes to court maintenance, court scheduling and court upgrades.
Where do my membership fees go?
Membership fees are distributed several ways including website maintenance, newsletter distribution and maintenance, social tournaments and a large project fund (the latest distribution from this fund paid for the lights at the Heather Farm tennis center).
In addition, the WCRC is a non-profit organization and any additional funds are distributed to charitable causes that further the game of tennis. If you have a suggestion for a charitable donation please contact the WCRC President
When do the leagues start?
General leagues dates are:
Summer Singles: June - October
Fall Mixed Doubles: September - December
Winter Doubles: January - April
For specific dates see our Leagues Website.